Installing MariaDB

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Installing MariaDB

#1 Post by issinoho »

Create account

Code: Select all

Username: MYSQL051_SRV                     Owner:
Account:  MYSQL051                         UIC:    [37775,1] ([MYSQL,MYSQL051_SRV])
CLI:      DCL                              Tables: DCLTABLES
Flags:  DisCtlY DefCLI LockPwd Restricted DisWelcome DisNewMail DisMail
              DisReport DisReconnect
Primary days:   Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Secondary days:                     Sat Sun
Primary   000000000011111111112222  Secondary 000000000011111111112222
Day Hours 012345678901234567890123  Day Hours 012345678901234567890123
Network:  -----  No access  ------            -----  No access  ------
Batch:    ##### Full access ######            ##### Full access ######
Local:    -----  No access  ------            -----  No access  ------
Dialup:   -----  No access  ------            -----  No access  ------
Remote:   -----  No access  ------            -----  No access  ------
Expiration:            (none)    Pwdminimum:  6   Login Fails:     0
Pwdlifetime:           (none)    Pwdchange:      (pre-expired)
Last Login:            (none) (interactive), 16-OCT-2017 16:52 (non-interactive)
Maxjobs:         0  Fillm:      1000  Bytlm:       200000
Maxacctjobs:     0  Shrfillm:      0  Pbytlm:           0
Maxdetach:       0  BIOlm:      1000  JTquota:       4096
Prclm:           8  DIOlm:      1000  WSdef:        16384
Prio:            4  ASTlm:      2200  WSquo:        32768
Queprio:         4  TQElm:        10  WSextent:     65536
CPU:        (none)  Enqlm:      5000  Pgflquo:     2000000
Authorized Privileges:
Default Privileges:
  • Create a top level directory, owned by the account which will run MariaDB. Example: CREATE/DIR/OWN=MYSQL051_SRV DISK$DRIVE:[MYSQL055]
  • Set Default to this directory.
  • Unzip
  • To create a brand new empty database execute

    Code: Select all

  • If something goes wrong and you wish to repeat this step, simply delete everything in [.log] and [.data...] in between each try.
  • Installation/upgrade is now complete. To start MariaDB do

    Code: Select all

    This is also the command procedure that needs to be invoked at system startup.
  • The database contains an account named root with no password. Use this account to intially set up your users and databases.

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