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cannot login on first access.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:31 am
by WillemGrooters
In the process of transforming my webs from static to dynamic (at least, part of it) I installed the VMS port of MySQL 4.1. For management, I also installed PHPMyAdmin (latest version:, prepared the database (I thought) but now I cannot login using this product:

#1045 - Access denied for user '<user>'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I'm sure that I entered username and password correctly and equal to what I specified in setting up. It's surely something stupid - what did I miss?

(Apache 2.1 + related stuff, on VMS 8.2 (AXP))


something different

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:39 pm
by WillemGrooters
:oops: As usual - I should have read the manuals BEFORE doing anything.

Ok, that problem being solved, now for something different.
Now I can login, but I get:

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8_unicode_ci'

That has to do with something in the area of used character set.
\is this an MySQL issue (I think so - can that be chnaged easily or do I have to drop the whole phpmyadmin database (or mysql as a whole - I used the script that was supplied with 4.1/VMS...) and create another one, or can I alter it on-the-fly (phpmyadmin is the first one added, so it's not a lot trouble to redo it)

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:13 am
by issinoho
Has phpmyadmin changed? Certainly in the version I am using (2.6.1) there was no need for a database schema for phpmyadmin itself, you simply pointed it at an existing MySQL instance.

My phpmyadmin install has a collation of utf8_general_ci and looking at the list of alternatives, the unicode collation in your error message is not listed as an option :?:

Try this link for starters, ... -sets.html

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:59 am
by WillemGrooters
I don't know if, and in what extent, phpmyadmin has changed since 2.6, but the vertion I have running on my Windows box is 2.7.0 and when installing that, a database schema was added.

The funny part: I tried several things - rebuilding the phpmysql-schema using utf8_bin) but that didn't help. At and, I reversed it to the original and behold: :shock: I could start - although I got a message concerning the issue.

Not that is was 100% ok, since the phpmyadmin schema didn't show up, and I couldn't what I intend to: getting error #1043 (no text but the Mysql manual told me that this means kind of "protection violation". So I chnaged my login to allow everting, and tried to do the same from my VMS box.

Nope. :evil:

Again, this collation error. Also accessing is from elsewhere.

Anyway.I'll try utf8_general_ci

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:46 pm
by issinoho
Is there a minimum supported version of MySQL for this version of phpmyadmin - worth rechecking the website, we may have a basic incompatibility between it and the VMS MySQL.

Also, try going back to say V2.6 just to check that it is OK on your system.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:26 pm
by WillemGrooters
:( Bad site, in that respect: doesn't mention requirements in release notes (some pepole really need to be educated, IMHO). But the header specifies that 4.1 is supported. So that should be Ok.
I tried the help forums as well but didn't find an answerr there.

Another issue may be that php_mysql module might be an old one :x - pre-4.1 anyway. I got the same problem with the password and was able to bypass it - that too could be a problem. ( :?: Does anyone know of a GOOD ona available? :?: )

I could try 2.6 (latest) and see what's up there.

No need!

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:34 am
by WillemGrooters
No need to downgrade :D
:idea: I could get around the problem by changing the URL in the address line. That contains a part:

Code: Select all

Change that (in the URL!) to:

Code: Select all

and it's done! :lol:

Next - make that persistent, even when the cookies are cleaned. I guess that's something in the configuration.

Add a line to the config file.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 11:26 pm
by Marty
By putting this in the config^.inc.php file

Code: Select all

$cfg&#91;'DefaultConnectionCollation'&#93; = 'utf8_general_ci';
and restarting SWB (the browser, not the webserver), it seems to work now.

SWB 1.7-11, MySQL 4.1.14, phpMyAdmin

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:33 pm
by issinoho
Can you post a copy of your config^.inc.php file (obfuscate your personal details obviously) as I cannot get this to work at all and can't help feeling I'm doing something daft.

Many thanks.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:19 pm
by issinoho
Ok, this is weird.
I've got phpMyAdmin - 2.9.2 running flawlessly when using Firefox, however if I browse to the site in IE7, I get...

MySQL said:

#1273 - Unknown collation: 'utf8_unicode_ci'

What's going on?


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:44 am
by WillemGrooters
cache of IE7, I think. I have the same problem with a number of sites, not just phpMyadmin.
Delete temoprary files and cookies (all or selective - your choice) and the problem is over...