Virtual Directory Security

Discussions around the use of Apache on VMS
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Virtual Directory Security

#1 Post by issinoho »

In order for Apache to access the files it is serving correctly, you should set the virtual directory tree as follows, e.g.

set file/owner=apache$www/prot=(s:rwed,o:rwed,g,w) [.root...]*.* /log

Where root is the parent folder in the virtual directory.

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#2 Post by WillemGrooters »

Safer, and more flexible:

Code: Select all

set secu/acl=(id=apache$www, access=READ) [.root...]*.*/excl=*.dir
set secu/acl=(id=apache$www, access=READ+EXECUTE) [.root...]*.dir
set secu/acl=(id=apache$www, access=READ)/DEFAULT [.root...]*.dir
This allows Apache to access the files for read only; only if WRITE or DELETE is required, these can be added in the access parameter.
Yet, the owner of the file can still acess them, and have full control.

A more elaborate (Machiavellian?) way (based on "Devide and Rule" :D )
* Define an identifier to be owner of the direcory and files
* Now set all files and directories to be owned by the identifier for this
* Define identifiers to control file access. You can do with one giving full access, or a number of one for restricted access to the directories and files, based on the user's functional requirements.
* Set up ACL for each of these identifiers that control access on each file.

So you get:

Code: Select all

Set file/owner=TheBoss [.root...]*.*;*
set secu/prot=(s:wred,o:wred,g,w) [.root...]*.*;*
set secu/acl=(id=TheBoss, access=DELETE+WRITE+READ+EXECUTE) [.root...]*.*/excl=*.dir
set secu/acl=(id=Subsidiary, access=WRITE+READ+EXECUTE) [.root...]*.*/excl=*.dir
set secu/acl=(id=Subsidiary, access=WRITE+READ+EXECUTE) [.root...]*.dir
so TheBoss is owner (and can do everything because of that) of all the files, and Subsidiary can update the files - and create new ones.

* Users that require access are granted the identiefier(s) fit for their ask. Except, of course, APACHE$WWW, it's better to have APACHE$WWW have it's own ACL as above.

So if I were grated TheBoss, I'd be able to delete it alll, when granted just Subsidiary I could not. If none were granted, I have no access at all - except via the webserver.

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