Using MySQL I checked the password, reset it just for grins, and it looks OK...Incorrect Username, Password. Try Again.
Code: Select all
$ mysql --user=root --pass=mysqlpwd
mysql> use joomla;
Database changed
mysql> select username,password,gid from jos_users;
| username | password | gid |
| admin | 7c6993dc7a434a7e | 25 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> update jos_users set password = old_password('joomlatest')
-> where username='admin';
mysql> select username,password,gid from jos_users;
| username | password | gid |
| admin | 7c6993dc7a434a7e | 25 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)