It's the middle of the night and I've just managed to get vBulletin up & running on VAMP
It works brilliantly but there are some gotchas during the install which I'll document after I've had some sleep.
Installing vBulletin on VAMP
Actually, no, it doesn't. I jumped the gun somewhat there.
The user CP & message posting seem fine, however if you touch the admin CP it screws things up royally.
I think the problem is based in the XML formatting that the admin settings utilise. vBulletin demands the enabling of the PHP_XML option which doesn't seem to work terribly well.
I shall persist with this thread offline.
The user CP & message posting seem fine, however if you touch the admin CP it screws things up royally.
I think the problem is based in the XML formatting that the admin settings utilise. vBulletin demands the enabling of the PHP_XML option which doesn't seem to work terribly well.
I shall persist with this thread offline.